Petroleum Tank Level Gauge

The petroleum industry is a vital element in the development and maintenance of industrial civilization. All told, 30 billion barrels of oil are consumed across the world each year. This adds close to $2 trillion to the global economy. At Krueger Sentry Gauge we take pride in the part we play to make this industry both safer and more efficient.

For over 75+ years that we have been in business, Safety has been our primary concern. We comply with the Buy American Act by exclusively using components produced by us or other American manufacturers. It’s with these materials that we produce a significant variety of both stainless steel and plastic tank indicators for petroleum designed for petroleum terminals, tank trailers, above-ground storage tanks (ASTs), home heating oil tanks, backup generators, and 55-gallon drums/barrels.

Petroleum Liquid-Level Gauge Applications

Whether a company works in exploration, extraction, refining, or transporting petroleum products, we at Krueger Sentry Gauge are here to help. Our petroleum liquid-level gauges are designed to withstand the harsh conditions that often accompany the production of fuel oil, gasoline, and petrochemicals—as well as the processes involved in turning the petrochemicals into many of the items that are found in everyday life, such as:

  • Plastics
  • Soaps
  • Detergents
  • Solvents
  • Paints
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Fertilizers
  • Pesticides
  • Explosives
  • Synthetic fibers and rubbers
  • Flooring and insulating materials

Chemically Resistant Petroleum Tank Gauges

Our experience at Krueger Sentry Gauge is what sets us apart from our competitors. We have worked extensively with companies in each of these sectors and therefore can offer practical insight into which gauge fits each need best. Some of the most common applications are found in both private and state oil companies, airlines, and refineries. These chemical applications include:

  • Bio Diesel
  • E85
  • Diesel Exhaust Fluid /DEF
  • Back up Generators
  • Waste Oil
  • Hydraulic Oil
  • Diesel
  • Gasoline
  • Transmission Fluid
  • Break Fluid

Contact Krueger Sentry Gauge today to learn more.


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PEI Member BBB Underwriters Laboratories

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