Petrochemical Tank Level Gauge

The petrochemical industry involves the extraction and production of organic chemicals derived specifically from petroleum and natural gases. Liquid petrochemical tan indicator instrumentations designed to measure and monitor the levels of liquid in storage tanks are a requirement in this process. Krueger Sentry Gauge is here to meet that need. For the over 75+ years that we have been in business, safety and reliability have been our chief concerns. We use components produced by us or other American manufacturers to comply with the Buy American Act. It’s with these materials that we produce a variety of both stainless steel and plastic petrochemical liquid-level gauges designed to meet a number of needs within the petrochemical industry. These gauges include:

Petrochemicals are produced through a process called cracking. In this process, large hydrocarbon molecules are split into smaller molecules. Two different kinds of cracking are common: fluid catalytic cracking is used for petroleum fractions, and steam cracking is used for natural gas liquids. These processes frequently include the use of extreme temperatures (greater than 150 °F) and atmospheres containing H2S. Our extensive experience at Krueger Sentry Gauge allows us to understand the complexities of these processes. In turn, this means we can offer practical insight into which petrochemical liquid-level gauge is right for which task.

Petrochemical Tank Gauge Applications

Krueger Sentry Gauge understands that precise and durable gauges are necessary for any company working with petrochemicals to ensure the safety of their employees, the public, and the environment. The use of gauges is not limited solely to the processes involved in the production of these chemicals, but also for transportation and containment. Some of their specific applications are as follows:

  • Pipelines
  • Distillation Columns
  • Steam Drums
  • Extractions Vessels
  • Condensate Separators
  • Tank Farms

The petrochemical industry is a fundamental element of modern life. It adds approximately $1 trillion each year to the American economy and also provides and supports over 9 million jobs. Furthermore, the products created from petrochemicals pervade many aspects of daily existence. Plastics, soaps, detergents, solvents, paints, pharmaceuticals, fertilizer, pesticides, explosives, synthetic fibers and rubbers, and flooring and insulating materials all include petrochemicals. At Krueger Sentry Gauge we are proud that we can make this industry both safer and more efficient each year.

Contact Krueger Sentry Gauge today to learn more.


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